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The skin is evolving and changing over the years. Therefore, at each age, skin care is different, for example:

  • The skin of children and the elderly is particularly sensitive to cold climates and is frequently affected by fissures and scales more easily; the use of oatmeal soap and regular intensive hydration is recommended. Sunscreen cream should also be used daily, because even if it is winter or cloudy, the sun’s rays can damage the epidermis.
  • If you are under 30 years of age, the most important thing is to clean your face thoroughly from pollution and makeup every morning and every night. Also at this stage you should use a specific cream for each type of skin and an exfoliation session once a week, if you have very sensitive skin you can do it every time.
  • If you are in your thirties you should not forget to make facial masks once a week to nourish the skin, which loses collagen over time. At the same time you have to use a cream for the eye area and a serum before applying the moisturizer.
  • After forty, the care is much more specific to each type of skin, with exfoliations, serums and night creams that are much more nutritious.

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