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For centuries, plants have been the main resource to safeguard health within the family.

In recent years there has been a significant resurgence of interest in the preparation and use of herbal remedies.


This plant with a mild bitter taste is an excellent remedy for liver cleansing and dyspepsia. In hot weather it can replace the same uses, dandelion and plantain.


The fruits of the brevo have mild laxative action and are effective as an expectorant. The leaves are popularly used to facilitate labor. As a laxative it is recommended the consumption of cooked fruits, alone or prepared in the form of sweet.


This plant has a pleasant aroma and a slight bitter taste; You can use the leaves and flowers at the same time. It is highly appreciated for its antiseptic, healing and emollient or anti-inflammatory properties; that is why its cooking is used to bathe all kinds of wounds and for different kinds of infections. In the problems of gastritis, peptic ulcer and irritations of the intestine it is recommended to prepare the cooking of leaves and flowers of calendula. If the gastritis is very acute, during the first days a small cup of juice can be taken. For skin wounds, access, irritations of the throat, eyes, ears and vaginal flows, bathing with calendula leaves, once or twice a day, is recommended until the improvement is obtained.

Small sour cane.

Poe its acid content is a refreshing plant and you can even prepare a soft drink with the leaves and stems, replacing the lemonade. It is also a magnificent antiparasitic.

Big sour cane.

The thick stem or cane contains abundant bittersweet juice that can be extracted manually by trapiche. This juice is very refreshing and effective for cleaning the liver and inflammation of the intestine, taking a cup on an empty stomach has a mild laxative and decongestant effect.

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