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The treatment in the burning mouth syndrome is mainly aimed at controlling anxiety and stress, avoiding irritability of the oral mucosa and dental tightening.

It is recommended to polish the palatal and lingual cusps, prominent or sharp. There is a plastic dental protector that avoids the direct irritative action on the tongue by the movements for functional. It is recommended to use together with an aloe vera gel for its anti-inflammatory effects. Likewise, the soothing effect of topical lubricants has also been proven to improve discomfort.

It is not always possible to determine if the cause of the burning mouth syndrome is a common underlying disease or if it is due to the poor position of a dental prosthesis or similar cause. A clinical management for the treatment of SBA has not yet been established. In older or longer-term patients, SAB is more difficult to treat.

To control the discomfort of the SAP can also be prescribed some drugs that can be applied topically, such as peripheral desensitizers or clonazepam, and orally, such as α-lipoic acid, anticonvulsants and antidepressants. To eliminate the main burning discomfort, capsaicin can be used.

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