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Chlamydia is a very common sexually transmitted disease caused by a bacterium called Chlamydia trachomatis.

It is transmitted from person to person in vaginal as well as oral or anal sex. It is very common for the infected person to have no symptoms and for the infection to go unnoticed. The problem is that it spreads to other people even if it does not produce symptoms.

Although it is very common that it does not cause any type of symptoms, when they appear, they can be varied in the genital area: itching when urinating, sensation of pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis, inflammation of the testicle in men, and vaginal discharge abnormal or painful intercourse in women. It can also affect the rectum, mouth, throat or eyes (in the form of conjunctivitis).

If chlamydia infection is not diagnosed or treated, it can cause complications and sequelae such as inflammatory disease in women, and long-term infertility or ectopic pregnancies; the possible sequelae that may appear in men are infertility and chronic prostatitis.

There are effective antibiotic treatments for chlamydia, which can be diagnosed relatively simply with a few questions about the person’s sexual health and symptoms, followed by an analysis of the urethral or cervical exudate. In addition, blood tests would be requested to verify that there are no other sexually transmitted diseases.

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