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The typical symptom of Laryngitis is hoarseness and cough.

Laryngitis is the organ through which passes the air we breathe into the lungs and the one that we exhale from the lungs to the outside. In addition, the vocal cords are what allow us to emit the voice. The human larynx is, therefore, a fundamental structure in our evolution, as it forms part of our communication system in the form of a spoken language. Logically, we can also suffer health problems in this area of ​​the human body, such as the well-known laryngitis.

The larynx can become inflamed like any other part of the airway, either by virus or by the action of other microorganisms. Environmental toxins accidentally or voluntarily inhaled, such as tobacco, can also cause inflammation of the larynx. Hoarseness and dysphonia or even complete hoarseness are the most frequent symptoms of laryngitis.

Viral laryngitis is a benign and relatively frequent process that usually resolves only in a few days. It is rare that it becomes complicated by pneumonia or that it is of bacterial origin. Laryngitis in children in the form of croup, with dog cough and respiratory distress, can be a more serious process whose signs of seriousness should be known to identify to consult the doctor if necessary.

When laryngitis becomes chronic, extending beyond three weeks, it is when you have to look for other non-viral causes, such as exposure to irritants, and correct them. In addition, depending on the associated symptoms, it is possible to rule out other more serious processes that can also cause hoarseness, such as cancer of the larynx of smokers. Avoiding tobacco, therefore, is a fundamental measure to protect our larynx and our health in general.

There are also non-infectious laryngitis due to irritative causes. Forcing the voice or shouting a lot can produce laryngitis acutely, if it is punctual. Singers, speakers or teachers, or any professional who speaks on a continuous basis can end chronic laryngeal irritation and persistent symptoms of hoarseness and dysphonia.

It is recommended: As hoarseness and aphonia are the main symptoms of laryngitis, it is advisable not to force the voice, not to shout and not to talk for a long time. Likewise, infusions with honey and lemon can help relieve the discomfort of laryngitis.

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