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The main recommendations of nutrition specialists to gain weight are summarized in:

  • Eat more often.
  • Choose foods rich in nutrients.
  • Take fruit shakes and smoothies.
  • Choose whole dairy products.
  • Cook sauces and soups with milk instead of water.
  • Write down when and how much you drink.
  • Allow yourself whims.

The following are key to increasing the calorie intake on a day-to-day basis:

  • Increase the size of the portions served at meals.
  • Add more food to those we serve on the plate.
  • Eat several snacks throughout the day
  • A healthy diet is essential to achieve your goals, either increase or reduce your weight.

Meanwhile, keep reading all about the diets to gain weight and gain weight in a healthy way.

What you should keep in mind in the slimming training plan:

  • Train 3 or 4 times a week.
  • Split or full-body training plan.
  • Combination of basic and isolation exercises.

Live a healthy life with Pharmamedic.
