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With medicinal plants it is about eliminating the main cause of diseases, applying treatment, and primarily prevention.

The Basil

It has digestive, soothing and healing properties. The infusion of basil after meals contributes to a better digestion; In several countries, basil is used directly as a condiment. The preparation of medicinal oil with basil leaf has an excellent emollient action in irritations of the skin or in the fissures of the nipples, a problem that affects mothers who are nursing. As a gargle, it fights fungi in the throat and mouth. Cold tea is good for eyestrain.


The artichoke leaves have a strong bitter taste and are used in infusion or cooking for digestive and liver problems. Its cleansing ability contributes to normalize the excess of cholesterol in the blood.

The cotton.

The decoction of the leaves and the bark of the cotton is used for menstrual problems; it can be taken by women in the diet after childbirth, since it is a powerful tonic and cleanser of the uterus.

The Almond tree

Almond oil has great utility as an emollient and external healing. It can be applied to soften the scalp of newborn babies who have the milk crust on their heads. In addition, oil is used to prepare plant ointments that are used in eczema and in all types of skin irritations.

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