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To alleviate the vertiginous symptomatology it is recommended to use, always under the advice and control of the doctor, some of this series of drugs.

Of course, you should bear in mind that these drugs should be used in low doses at the beginning of the treatment of vertigo to gradually increase the dose:

  • Promethazine and meclicine: the most used to control dizziness, nausea and vomiting.
  • Diacepam and clonazepam: very useful in acute crises, but with important somnolence what can complicate more the instability of the patient. Its use must be supervised.
  • Tietilperazine and metoclopramide: metoclopramide is an antiemetic used with high efficacy especially in moderate cases.
  • Ondansertrón: although it is usually used for vomiting secondary to chemotherapy, it is effective in the control of vomiting in severe vertigo.
  • Sulpride: it is used in oral tablets for the chronic management of vertigo, although occasionally it may have undesirable effects that require its suspension.
  • Betahistine: used in the control of symptoms in the longer term with good tolerance and few adverse effects.
  • Benign paroxysmal postural vertigo (BPPV) may remit on its own, but its treatment is important to avoid the physical and emotional incapacity it produces. Vestibular rehabilitation or self-applied exercises should be performed, consisting of the repeated provocation of clinical manifestations through repeated position changes; in this way the remission of vertigo is achieved. But these exercises are not always well tolerated by the patient.
  • In cases that do not respond to usual treatment, when the symptoms are severe and the patient’s daily life is limited, surgical treatment is resorted to.

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