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It is a sport recommended by most specialists because it is very beneficial in many aspects.

In addition to strengthening the bones and shaping the muscle mass, it causes great positive changes at the cardiorespiratory level.

It is highly recommended for asthmatic people because it increases respiratory capacity.

Swimming, due to its humid climate, temperate environment and respiratory work is the most advisable for asthmatic people.

Swimming is a useful and recreational activity for people, it is beneficial for health both physically and psychically, it is one of the most complete physical exercises to work the mind and body, keeps fit, strengthens muscles and memory, so it is advisable to practice at any age.

As a physical routine, swimming has a series of advantages for the body, among which are: lowering blood pressure levels, improving the functioning of musculoskeletal activity, improving respiratory capacity, helping to strengthen body tissues, improving heart activity, increase blood circulation, prevent and relieve diseases such as asthma, and nerve muscle injuries, relax the muscles, improve the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, the psyche and the quality of life of people.

Just before diving into the pool, swimmers can perform exercises such as squatting. Squatting helps improve a swimmer’s output by warming the thigh muscles.

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