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A Canadian crypto miner created a prototype heating system for his home using the heat released by mining equipment. He says he warms up his 6000 square foot home during the winter with this prototype.

The heating system works continuously, the hot air flows naturally inside the house, thanks to the fact that the prototype is connected to the existing main system (although this is not used to heat the house).

He added that, during the summer, the heat produced by the mining equipment is sent by the prototype to the outside of the house automatically. He also affirms, not having problems of bad odors or noise.

The whole system is automated and you can calibrate the desired internal temperatures and the temperature of the miners. It also does not require a ventilation system.

It’s amazing how with Blockchain technology, you can do so many things. It always invests in this technology, and more when it is linked to a topic as important as health. This is iCashweb.
