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Osteomyelitis is an infection in the bones caused by bacteria, which can be acute or chronic.

It is a bone infection that is usually caused by bacteria called pyogenic (which produce pus), but may also be due to the bacillus of tuberculosis or, more rarely, fungi. It can be acute – one that evolves in less than two weeks – or chronic – one that evolves in more than four weeks, or that does not respond to antibiotic treatment and requires surgery for its cure. Osteomyelitis is more common in people with chronic diseases or presence of foreign material in the bone (for example, after a surgical intervention, or due to a dirty traumatism).

Pain in the affected bone and fever are the most frequent symptoms. Chronic osteomyelitis is also caused by gram-positive bacteria such as staphylococcus or certain streptococci in cases of joint prosthesis, by Pseudomonas in the diabetic foot, and by anaerobic bacteria in bites, open fractures with dirty wounds, or in ischemia. .

Symptoms in the affected area: soft tissue swelling, intense local pain, limited mobility of the affected limb, and redness of the area. Cellulitis (infection or inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue) may be associated with osteomyelitis in some cases. In fact, recurrent cellulitis can be a warning sign of underlying osteomyelitis. Additionally, fever may occur associated with chills, malaise, and even weight loss.

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