To safeguard the health of the family group it is important to make sure to use medicinal plants irrigated with rainwater or with clean water and not cultivated with chemical fertilizers or pesticides.

We should not use a plant without being sure of knowing it, sometimes people know different plants with the same name or the same plant they call it in different ways. We must take advantage of sowing medicinal plants in pots or in the garden of our house, in this way they are consumed fresh and we know what kind of plants we have and what they can help us with.

Among the medicinal plants we can find different compounds and they are classified in the following way:

  • Alkaloids: very active compounds that act on the nervous system and the muscles of the body; with small quantities extraordinary results are achieved, but also because of their high potency can be toxic, such as chocolate, tea and coffee.
  • Heterosides: They are composed of sugars. They are widely used in laboratories for the preparation of medicines. Digoxin is an activator for the heart that is extracted from the digital flowers. Salicin is used to prepare acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin and is obtained from willow. Laxatives, cholagogues and purgatives contain anthraquinones, substances that are found in senna, rhubarb, cascara sagrada and aloe vera or aloe vera. Saponins are found in many medicinal plants and are used as purifying substances of the body, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and soothing.
  • Essential oils: are a mixture of alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, esters and terpenes, substances similar to hydrocarbons. They are characterized by having a strong and pleasant aroma, they act as painkillers and have cleansing or toning properties.
  • Tannins: Substances that are found in many plants with astringent properties. The astringent action of tannins helps to heal wounds and reduce secretions such as those presented in diarrhea, ulcers, conjunctivitis and bronchitis.
  • Mucilages: Substances composed of complex sugars and have slug consistency, have no flavor and act in the body as emollients and refresh the body.
  • Resins: They are extracted directly from the bark, leaves or fruits through incisions.
  • Dyes: Chlorophyll exerts anti-inflammatory, healing and antiseptic effects.
  • Organic Acids: In general, they are depurative and soothing.

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