The treatment of the infection caused by herpes, which is Acyclovir, famciclovir or ganciclovir, which belong to the same group of drugs.

In genital herpes infection, ointments with acyclovir for 5-7 days are very beneficial in the primary infection.

In the most severe forms, the treatment must be oral for 10 days. In the case of encephalitis, treatment with intravenous acyclovir should be started as soon as possible, and persist for at least 10 days.

In neonatal herpes infection, it is advisable to perform a cesarean section in the case that the mother is infected.

During pregnancy, maternal treatment should not be performed. In the event that the infection affects the child, treatment with intravenous acyclovir should be started for 10 days.

To prevent cold sores, usually caused by herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1), which is also known colloquially as pupa or fever, although it is not necessary to have fever to appear, you must avoid sharing glasses, cutlery, towels, lipstick …, because if the user of those objects has one of these pupae the virus can survive in them and infect you. Of course, you do not have to kiss a person with a cold sore.

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