To train the upper train cannot miss a dose of push-ups. If you still cannot do it with your legs stretched out, do not hesitate to put your knees on the floor to perform the exercise. Do not worry, when you want to realize you will have enough strength in the arms to do normal push-ups.

This type of exercise is very complete, you do not need any special equipment, and it can be done anywhere. They work the entire upper body: pectorals, deltoids and triceps and help tone the abdominals, in addition to improving overall fitness, endurance and strength. To carry it out, follow these instructions:

  • The initial position is to lie down facing the floor, resting only with the tips of the feet and the palms of the hands. The elbows close to the body so that the arms work in parallel, never turned outwards.
  • The arms are then flexed keeping the elbows close to the body at all times until they touch the floor with the chest without coming to rest on it. It is inhaled.
  • Finally, you return to the initial position by stretching your arms, keeping your back straight and parallel to the movement at all times. It exhales.

Make three sets of 10 each.

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