Erik Fineman started investing in Bitcoins in 2011 when he was only 11 years old after his grandmother gave him $ 1,000 and his brother offered him advice on what to do with the money. In those early days, the Bitcoins were only worth $ 12 each. However, when Fineman sold its first Bitcoins at the end of 2013, each one had a value of $ 1,200.

By then, Fineman had converted his grandmother’s $ 1,000 to $ 100,000 and used it to start an online education company in 2014. He had not had a pleasant experience in high school and thought his new company could connect frustrated students and teachers willing about video chat. Fineman also moved to Silicon Valley, traveled around the world and made a bet with his parents that if he were a millionaire at age 18, he would not have to go to college.

In January 2015, Fineman sold its education company and was given the option to accept $ 100,000 or 300 Bitcoins. He took the Bitcoins. Fineman also achieved his goal of becoming an 18-year-old millionaire and will not go to college. He says he is happy to learn from real world experiences. However, Fineman is busy with numerous projects, including participation with NASA. Those activities-and the sense of business intelligence-helped him get where he is today.

Become a millionaire also with the cryptocurrency of the immortals “iCashweb”.