Hello, I am Nonna Cannabis “The Italian granny who cooks with herbs”.

Today I am going to teach you how to prepare a delicious Italian chicken with a pinch of cannabis.


  • 4 chicken breasts,
  • 1 large lemon
  • 1 cup of flour
  • 100 grams of cannabis butter
  • salt to taste


To prepare the chicken, you will only have to pass the chicken breasts in the flour, add salt and fry them in a pan with cannabis butter.

During cooking add lemon juice. Recipe for 4 people.

This has been all for this week, and do not forget:

Pharmamedic and Nonna Cannabis are here to give you a healthier life!


NOTE: If you are starting to consume this type of recipes, we recommend using small doses of herbs to prevent future adverse reactions in the body.

Italian chicken with cannabis (English)