The hypericum is a plant with many medicinal properties among which stresses as a sedative, relaxing the nervous system in cases of anxiety, stress, and is even known as the plant that drives away sadness.

The benefits of the Hypericum and its internal use are advised or indicated for the following cases:

  • In case of light anxiety associated with stress.
  • In case of irritability.
  • Insomnia.
  • Nervous tension.
  • Neuralgic pains.
  • Rheumatic pains.
  • Sciatica.
  • To face seasonal changes (spring asthenia, autumnal).
  • Improve states of apathy, reluctance.
  • Improve irritable bowel symptoms.

For external use the Hypericum is indicated or advised in the following cases:

  • As an anti-inflammatory remedy.
  • To improve the cardinals.
  • Improve varicose veins.
  • Hemorrhoids.
  • To improve the skin with acne.

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