In European countries where there has been progress in the incorporation of cryptoactives in the real economy, operations such as going to a specific cryptocurrency ATM and exchanging that digital currency for physical dollars or euros are possible. Payments for service loans between individuals through digital currencies, without touching a common currency, as well as payments for goods between small, medium and large companies are also becoming increasingly common.

In Africa there are already initiatives that establish mobile payment networks and remittances based on cryptocurrencies. Since 2015, the Central Bank of Barbados has already indicated the need to place part of its international reserves in cryptocurrencies, according to a document prepared by economists Winston Moore and Jeremy Stephen, as well as considering the creation of a fund with digital money.

On the other hand, in Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic, three ATMs for cryptocurrencies were already recorded at the end of 2017. These automatic tellers belong to the company that manufactures them: Lamassu.

Through these examples it is evident the use of cryptoactives transforming de facto traditional financial relationships and facilitating virtual currency exchange networks for goods and services between individuals, from individuals to companies.

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