Rosemary is an aromatic plant that is regularly used in the preparation of foods functioning as an excellent condiment, especially in meats and sauces.

Besides being used in the kitchen as a condiment and flavoring of many preparations, it also has great properties to be used for the benefit of our health.

Among its healing properties we find that it helps control hypertension problems, it is excellent as a tonic to prevent hair loss and it is also very good for those who have overweight problems.

Studies done to this plant have shown that it is of great help for memory, this plant contains carnosic acid, which have neuroprotective properties, which in turn help to protect from such degenerative diseases as Alzheimer’s, and likewise the loss of normal memory that suffers when aging.

Rosemary is well known also for its effectiveness in migraine problems; water is boiled with rosemary branches, and being very hot a towel is placed on the head to receive the steam for about ten or fifteen minutes.

In addition the smell of rosemary is delicious, and with just this procedure can improve your mood and your memory.

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