This plant is an antiseptic that helps prevent hair loss and keeps mosquitoes away from home. However, it is also known for its other incredible benefits:

  • For memory: Eat about two leaves of fresh basil daily.
  • Against the nerves: Take a cup of basil infusion. You can also eat it directly so that it has a much more powerful effect.
  • Fight the flu: Take the infusion of basil or eat the leaves.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Ingest between meals.
  • Great digestive: Take an infusion of basil or contained within your food.
  • Improves the immune system: Take an infusion of basil.
  • Against headaches: Take an infusion, or make a paste with the plant, in the form of a poultice and place it on your temple.
  • Reduce fever: Take an infusion of basil.
  • Increase kidney function: Take an infusion of basil continuously.
  • Helps to eliminate acne: Basil in its poultice form will make it possible to cleanse your face better. Also the back where usually presents a lot of acne in people. If you add to it the consumption of the infusion, its action will be very powerful. Because of its bacterial power it will eliminate all the impurities of the skin, so pimples and pimples will gradually disappear and there will be no trace of them.
  • It is antibacterial: Basil in its poultice form will perfectly clean many parts of your body.
  • Forget about sore throats: Take basil tea and if you make a reduction with many leaves, take the concentrate and gargle (once it cools).

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